Thursday, March 5, 2009

A San Francisco Treat!

Where to begin! We are on day three in the SF and let me tell ya, this city is not for the weak legged. Up hills and down hills walking on the side of a hill. You just can't get around them. Now driving up and down these hills in our 15 passenger VagaVan is minorly terrifying ... Carolyn has been doing a great job!

But this city... WOW is all I gotta say. Its beautiful. One of Justin's friends said this is more of a place to live. I can see why. A visitor spends the first day walking about and the next four days in a salt bath trying to relax their muscles! I'm not gunna lie, my calves are pretty tired at the moment.

So far we have discovered some amazing green tea ice cream in China Town. Walked from China Town up hills so steep they built stairs (how cars are expected to chug up these I will never know), to Coit Tower. Great View! Good history lesson! (i bought a postcard) After a rest at the top we trekked back down the daunting hills to Pier 39. Holy sea lions! They had taken over an entire boat dock! After that was Fisherman's Wharf! Cool sign but if there was really something to see I missed it.

Lets talk about the Golden Gate Bridge! We had some insider information on where to go to get the best view. BVC was right.. Fort Point is the way to go! It was kind of over cast but we could see the entire bridge and Alcatraz felt with in reach!

We have just been having a grand 'ole time being annoying tourists!

O yeh we screened the TOMS documentary today at Sonoma State!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh huh uh huh... i like this very much ana banana.