Thursday, March 11, 2010

Slow Motion

I have found that if I get out of bed right when I wake up, my day is a little better. If I don't get up, I tend to stay there and cry until something makes me get up, i.e. my job or my body hurting because I've been lying there for so long. As I said before, my world seems to be moving in slow motion and time stands still. I only work a part time job so what am I to do with the other hours during the week that I have nothing to do. I work out.. A LOT... but that is only about 7 hours per week. I deactivated my facebook for a while so what used to take up at least 2 hours a day now needs to be filled by something new and Twitter does not fill the same void.

The worst part is I want to talk to a particular person who refuses. It hurts, it might mean closure for me once I talk to him. I've reached out and nothing... I don't know what else to do. I don't want to smother, that's what got me into this position in the first place, but I do want/ need to talk.

1 comment:

David Ramirez said...

Get involved!! There is so much to do in our city it's nuts. All it takes is a little google research and you'll be on your way to a fun filled, abundant, free spirited life.

I understand the slow motion thing though. I'm at least happy that you work out when in need of something to do. I just drink and smoke. No bueno.