Friday, October 3, 2008

the search continues

As many of you know I am looking for a job.. those who follow my blog are more than welcome to start looking for me. I know nothing about the economy. Only that the stock market took one heck of a plunge the other day because some bailout plan didn't pass the first time. Apparently it passed since then so does that mean the stock market will shoot up?!?

Like I said, economics+ me=ERROR!

Anyway, what I am finding is there aren't so many jobs out there. And what I am finding is not exactly what I would call me dream job. I also realize that I provide a luxury. No one really needs some one to write press releases not does anyone really need someone to plan their wedding. In a chat with charity the other day we came to a great solution to my issue. After discussing her job and the fact that there will always be, sadly, screwed up families that need to be monitored, it hit me... Pharmaceutical Sales!! That's it! People always need drugs!! rather it be pain killers or antibiotics, or anxiety meds, anti-psyco meds... the list goes on... People will always get sick, physically and mentally and they will go to doctors who will prescribe their pills and i am the one who sells them!! PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!


DorRae said...


Anonymous said...

I like your solution.....If you are interested in TV sales just let me know. :)