Sunday, November 23, 2008

Twilight Movie

Anticipation... Excitement... Edward... Bella... Vampires... all of these things were going through my head while I waited in the theater for 3 hours for the midnight premiere of Twilight. First scene rolls... not so bad... then it keeps going and I find myself slightly disappointed, disappointed and laughing. For those of you Twilight fans whom haven't seen the movie yet I will not spoil it for you... some people said they really loved it. But you have to understand that I cried through this book and had dreams about Edward. I laughed through the movie during places that my stomach flipped and I couldn't wait to see whats next.

I will say that the kissing scene, though way off from the book, way hot hot HOT. And the sparkling in the sun was on point and beautiful! And these two reason are the only reasons why I will go see the next three movies. These and Robert Pattinson... he sure made one hot Edward Cullen!

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