Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Wait is Over

I checked my e-mail on my phone once every half hour today for anything concerning the TOMS Vagabonds Roster. The day went by and nothing.

I studied all day, went for lunch with a friend and took a restless nap . All the while this little voice in the back of my head was chanting: "they will call, they will call! remember it's 2 hours earlier there!" This was something I had to remind myself when I started checking my e-mail at
8 AM... "umm hello's 6 AM in Santa Monica... No one at TOMS was even awake yet!" So, by 6 o' clock PM my time (4 o' clock PM Pacific time) I had convinced myself that I would get a friendly e-mail sometime tomorrow thanking me for the time and effort I put into applying but, regretfully, positions have been filled.

8:08 PM rolls around (6:08 TOMS time) and I get a call from a Cali number! I get this call when I am in Starbucks (which is always a little quieter during the weeks of finals) studying with my friend Hayley for our final tomorrow and I can all but help from screaming YES YES YES! All I gotta say is Jesus was on my side and they listened! :)


Anonymous said...

im crying
at work
really happy tears!
this is great, so freakin great!
love you.

DorRae said...

just hang on for the ride!