Monday, September 22, 2008


Soul Mates. Defined by as a person with whom one has strong affinity. Not knowing what affinity meant I had to search that word as well. Affinity: a natural liking to. I was not satisfied with this definition so I moved on to Websters. Where Soul Mate is defined two ways: 1) a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament, 2) a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs. Ummm still not satisfied... moving on to the less accredited wikipedia...

"Soul mate is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, friendship, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality and/or compatibility."

This is better... for a second there I was feeling like I had been lied to all my life and finding your soul mate had nothing to do with falling in love. But do I really believe this? My church back home is doing a series on marriage and my "soul mate" is something I think about a lot. This series made me think about it even more. I thought about what my definition of a soul mate would be and this is what I came up with.

Soul Mate- My perfect equal in beliefs, thoughts, activities and love. One who knows what I am feeling by the look on my face and/or my body language and knows how to remedy my anger, sadness or frustration. (S)He holds a special place in my heart that no one will ever be able to fill and my heart breaks when (s)he is hurting. This person is my best friend in every way.

Now let me explain. I think your soul mate is your perfect match but I do not think they have come in the form of the opposite sex from you. I guess another word for this would be "Kindred Spirits." I also don't think that your soul mate is the one you will marry. Even if this person happens to be of the opposite sex, your husband/wife will also love and cherish this person as a part of what comes with you... not an opposing force. There is an understanding shared that you have with no one else and you can share things that you cannot share with anyone else. You see... My pastor described marriage as two opposite people joining together to complete each other. I think your soul mate is so much like you there is nothing to complete.

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