Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hiking with Irish Men

Today was epic. But before I can describe today I must describe last night. We went downtown and ended up at the pub called Doolins. It was a fun Irish pub… big party! So we are mingling, everyone thought it was great that we were from Texas, and I ran into this guy and as soon as he says hello I realize he is Irish. I see my PS I Love You fantasy flash before my eyes! You know, I’m traveling and meet a really cute Irish guy who falls desperately in love with me and I with him and he asks me to marry him ... you know the story. Except, my fantasy always took place actually in Ireland.
So, anyway, we end up hanging out with him and his fellas for the rest of the night. We were having a blast… playing 1,2,3 make a funnie face with the camera and what not. At the end of the night I gave him my number not realizing the fact that I would not be able to talk to him again. On the way home I realize that I don’t have my camera thinking that I left it in the cab. I look at my phone this morning and I have one new text message… it reads:
“hey ana this is sean. The irish fella from last night. Are you missing a camera because I found one in my back pocket.”
PERFECT!!! The luck if the Irish rubbed off on me for sure!! We meet up with him and end up going on the epic hike through some mountains in Squamish (funnie name, serious mountains), about 45 mins away from Vancouver. The hike took two and a half hours to walk up and victory was ours at the peek! There are not words to describe this view. I’m talking mountains with snow caps (who knew it snowed anywhere in the middle of august?), pine trees over 100 feet below, the ocean… I was in aw.
We left Vancouver at 3PM and have just arrived back and it is 12 30AM

See you back in the States!


Anonymous said...

I love it so so much, and I just watched p.s I love you with my stepmom last night. Miss you girl!

DorRae said...

i want to see pictures